مسكينٌ قلبك لا يقوى لا يتحمل ..
miskinun qalbuka la yaqwa la yatahammal
your heart is poor can't stand or bear
hatimu miskin-lemah- tak kuat dan tak bisa bertahan
أن يبقى في ضيق خصامٍ لا لا يقدر
أن يبقى في ضيق خصامٍ لا لا يقدر
an yabqa fi dhyqi khishamin la layaqdir
to stay in fight, no he can't
tuk selalu ada dalam pertengkaran. Tidak, dia takkan bisa,
فطرتك تنادي بصفاءٍ مهما يحصل ..
fithrotuka tunadi bishofain mahma yahshul
your primitiveness call him in clarity whatever happen
kesederhanaan mu memanggil-manggil kesucian, apapun yang terjadi
سامح و اصفح انت الرابح و غداً تؤجر !
samih washfah antarrabihu waghadan tu'jar
forgive and excuse you are the winner and tomorrow you recompense
ampunilah dan bebaskanlah, kaulah pemenang dan esok kau kan mendapat pahala
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
maafkanlah, kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و اصفح و اغفر و اعفوا
samih washfah waghfir wa'fu
forgive, excuse, pardon, remit
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفوا
qadruka ya'lu qalbuka yashfu
your degree will be elevate and your heart will be clear
derajatmu kan terangkat dan hatimu an menjadi jernih
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
Maafkanlah, Kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
samih wata'aayasy kay narqa
forgive and live to have the distinction,
Maafkanlah dan hiduplah tuk bangkit menang
كي نصبح مجتمعاً أقوى
kay nushbiha mujhtama'an aqwa
to be a stronger society
tuk manjadi Masyarakat yang lebih kuat
ســـامح !
نتحاور نختلف و لكن لا نتحامل ..
natahawaru nakhtalifu walakin la natahamal
we discuss and disagree but don't carry hard feelings
Kita berbincang dan kita berselisih, tapi janganlah kau berlaku lalim
انسانيتُنا تدعونا ان نتواصل ..
انسانيتُنا تدعونا ان نتواصل ..
insaniyatuna tad'uuna an natawashal
our humanity invite us to communicate
Rasa Kemanusiaan kita mengajak kita tuk berkomunikasi –tersambung-
ان لم يكن الأمر وفاقاً فالتتقبل !
in lam yakunil amru wifaqan faltataqabal
if we didn't accord, accept that
jika kita tak sepakat pada masalah, Terimalah
سامح و اصفح انت الرابح و غداً تؤجر !
سامح و اصفح انت الرابح و غداً تؤجر !
samih washfah antarrabih waghadan tu'jar
forgive and excuse you are the winner and tomorrow you recompense
maafkanlah dan kaulah sang pemenang dan esok kau kan diberi pahala
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
maafkanlah, kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و اصفح و اغفر و اعفوا
سامح و اصفح و اغفر و اعفوا
samih washfah waghfir wa'fu
forgive, excuse, pardon, remit
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفوا
qadruka ya'lu qalbuka yashfu
your degree will be elevate and your heart will be clear
derajatmu kan terangkat dan hatimu kan menjadi bersih
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
maafkanlah, kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
samih wata'aayasy kay narqa
forgive and live to have the distinction,
Maafkanlah dan hiduplah tuk bangkit --naik/terangkat--
كي نصبح مجتمعاً أقوى
kay nushbiha mujhtama'an aqwa
to be a stronger society
agar manjadi Masyarakat yang lebih kuat
ســـامح !
كن يداً بالخير تمتد !
kun yadan bilkhairi tamtad
be a hand by the good giving, and
Jadilah tangan yang memberi—menyebarkan-- kebaikan
و هُدىً بالحب يسعد !
و هُدىً بالحب يسعد !
wahudan bilhubbi yas'ad
a guide by the love happy
dan sebagai bimbingan dengan cinta. pastilah bahagia
كن لذات البيِّن اصلاحاً يُشَيَد !
kun liddzatil bayyin ishlahan yusyayyad
be a peacemaker for who disagree
Jadilah pencipta kedamaian tuk orang yang tak setuju
كن لجرح القلب بلسم !
kun lijurhil qalbi balasam
be a remedy for a heart wound,
jadilah obat hati yang terluka,
و انشر الخير تبسم !
wansyuril khairi tabasam
smile and spread the goodness
sebarkanlah kebaikan dan tersenyumlah
أطلق العفو و دعه يتكلــم !
athliqil afwa wad'ah yatakalamAmpunilah, dan biarkan ia berbicara
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
Maafkanlah, kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و اصفح و اغفر و اعفوا
samih washfah waghfir wa'fu
forgive, excuse, pardon, remit
قدرك يعلو قلبك يصفوا
qadruka ya'lu qalbuka yashfu
your degree will be elevate and your heart will be clear
derajatmu kan terangkat dan hatimu kan menjadi lebih suci - jernih
ســـامح , أنت الرابــح !
samih antarrabih
forgive you are the winner
maafkanlah, kaulah sang pemenang
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
سامح و تعايش كي نرقى
samih wata'aayasy kay narqa
forgive and live to have the distinction
Maafkanlah dan hiduplah tuk bangkit -menang- naik terangkat--
كي نصبح مجتمعاً أقوى
kay nushbiha mujhtama'an aqwa
to be a stronger society, forgive
agar manjadi Masyarakat yang lebih kuat
ســـامح !
In this fashion my colleague Wesley Virgin's report starts with this shocking and controversial video.
BalasHapusWesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "mind control" tactics that the government and others used to obtain whatever they want.
THESE are the EXACT same methods many famous people (notably those who "became famous out of nothing") and elite business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know how you use less than 10% of your brain.
That's because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps that conversation has even taken place IN YOUR very own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain around seven years back, while driving a non-registered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car with a suspended driver's license and $3 on his debit card.
"I'm absolutely fed up with living paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally make it?"
You've been a part of those those types of conversations, ain't it so?
Your own success story is going to be written. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.
Watch Wesley Virgin's Video Now!
Terima kasih .jazakalloh kheir